Reception 2024 - transition period

'One-to-one' home vistis between Reception teachers and parents will take place this week so that staff can find out more about your child and plan a successful settling in period for them. Children are encouraged to attend this meeting. 

Reception pupils will not start school this week whilst the meetings are all taking place. The transition period below will start from Monday 16th September 2024.

For the first week (w/b Monday 9th September 2024), children will attend school for either morning or afternoon sessions, as detailed in your starter pack. 
In the second week (w/b Monday 16th September 2024), children will attend a short day which will include lunch. You can pick children up at 1.30pm. 
From the third week (w/b Monday 23rd September 2024), all children will attend school full time.

Morning sessions:  9.00am to 11.00am
Afternoon sessions:  1.30pm to 3.15pm
Short day including lunch: 8.50am to 1.30pm

Benefits of the transition period: 
Smaller groups enable staff to quickly build up positive relationships with the children, enabling them to get to know them really well, right from the start. The transition period also provides:

  • A quieter, more calm environment to enable quicker settling in
  • An enhanced opportunity for children to learn rules and routines in smaller groups
  • An opportunity for children to develop a strong sense of belonging and the development of friendships
  • An optimum environment to support children’s social and communication skills.