Online Safety

At St Bonaventure's we know that technology is really exciting. It can let us do lots of fun, interesting and useful things, but it's important to know how to use it safely. Many parents want to support their children to become safe online citizens, but are unsure of where to go for advice. On the right of this page we have links to some sites we find really useful.


When we are searching for information on the web we use a child-friendly search engine called Swiggle.


We teach and follow the SMART rules to be better online citizens. To find out more visit Childnet.


Code of Practice

Using computers and the internet safely and effectively is something we all need to regularly learn about. 


Every year group learns about how to stay safe online in computing lessons, and each year on Safer Internet Day we all remind ourselves of the important things we should always know when using the internet. 


All children read about, understand and sign our Internet Code of Practice. The agreements we sign are below.


Vodafone have a useful magazine all about online safety for parents called Digital Parenting. Visit Vodafone Digital Parenting and read their latest issue below.