Curriculum statement

We provide a cross-curricular, inspiring curriculum that supports children to become independent learners who appreciate and celebrate difference, are actively involved in their community and live out Gospel values. We nurture each child as a unique individual. We support them to become respectful, engaged and caring children of today and adults of tomorrow.

We help our pupils grow through... 

· providing a nurturing and supportive environment where every person is valued and empowered to be the best they can be

· encouraging children to express themselves as individuals while listening to, respecting and appreciating the contributions of others

· valuing and celebrating diversity within our community and the wider world

· offering a broad and stimulating curriculum that is meaningful and relevant to the children and gives opportunities for them to engage in their learning

· demonstrating how to live and treat others through Gospel Values

· praising effort as well as achievement

· always seeking to improve through setting and expecting high standards for everyone in our community

· taking action and showing responsibility to others less fortunate than ourselves and for the world in which we live. 


How is the curriculum organised?

Our curriculum consists of three themes which link directly with gospel values. These are Care For Our Common Home, Love thy Neighbour and Seek The Truth. 

Each year group provides an overview of the learning for each term, which is then shared with parents through Google classroom pages.

The class Power of Reading text provides a narrative inspiration for exploration of the theme and, where possible, meaningful links are made with other subjects in a cross-curricular approach to learning. 

Our themed, cross-curricular approach to learning also gives pupils the opportunity to explore and express their understanding through the development of oracy skills.

All pupils are provided with opportunities to engage in the curriculum. Our high need SEN pupils have planned activities to enable them to develop their academic and social skills within the context of the whole school themes.

Topic outcomes are relevant and meaningful to the children, giving them the opportunity to celebrate and express their learning to a real audience.

Senior leaders reinforce the whole school theme within assemblies and encourage the children to reflect more deeply on how the themes apply to their own lives and how they can make a difference to the lives of others. 

Beyond the National Curriculum we provide a wide range of extra-curricular activities which are carefully planned to ensure that all pupils have the opportunity to be successful and explore non-academic talents.


If you would like to find out more about the curriculum for any subject or year group, please email the office, speak to your class teacher, or request to speak to the subject leader.