Reception 2024 - I've been offered a place... what next?

Below is a timeline of what will happen following your child being offered a place at St Bon's:  
  • Inform the Council if you would like to accept your child's place at St Bonaventure's.  They will notify us.
  • If you feel there is a good reason why your child should be in a particular class (i.e. if you have twins and wish for them to be placed in the same class or if you have an older sibling already in school and would like your reception child to have the same teacher), please write to us to let us know.  We always try our best to accommodate parents' wishes, but cannot guarantee that this will be the case in every circumstance.
We send out our  'Essential Pupil Information Form' for you to complete and return so that we can find out a bit more about your child and where they attend pre-school.  This form is also available below.  
You will also receive invites to attend a Parents' Information evening on Wednesday 21st June 2023 at 6pm and a Stay and Play session on **Thursday 6th July 2023** - please note change of date.
The Parents' Information evening will take place in the school hall at 6pm. The aim of this meeting is for you to:
  • Meet the Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher, Class teachers and LSAs who will be working with your child
  • Find out which class your child will be in
  • Find out more about how we have planned the first few weeks of your child's transition into St Bon's and what a typical day in Reception looks like
  • Find out more about our wraparound childcare and meet the After School Club leader
  • Book a one-to-one meeting with your child's class teacher in the week beginning Monday 4th September 2023
  • View school uniform and find out how to buy it
Teachers will hand out packs of information and forms which need to be returned to us by the 6th July.
**THURSDAY 6th JULY 2023** - please note change of date from 5th July
Our Stay and Play sessions. You will have received an invitation to attend either at 10.30am or 11.45am. These will take place in the classroom and are aimed at providing parents and children with the opportunity to get to know the school environment a bit better. 
All the information about before and after school childcare facilities will be provided in your new starter pack or you can have a look at the Kidzone section of the school website. We will be in touch once the bookings for September are open.  Bookings are made through the School Gateway app, instructions about which will also be in your starter pack.
BY 6th JULY 2023
We ask that ALL paperwork is returned to us by the end of the first week of July so that we can get prepared ahead of September.  Please note that if your child has a diagnosed food allergy, then the Food Allergy and Intolerance Form should be returned directly to the catering company (Chartwells).  We would also like to encourage parents to complete the Pupil Premium Checker Form if you believe you may be eligible for pupil premium funding. Eligibility criteria are included in the information form which will be in your pack. 
JULY 2023
Class teachers  will liaise with pre-schools to arrange transfer information to be passed to us to help with your child's transition (parents do not need to have any involvement in this process).