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The knowledge and skills taught in Music are set out in The National Curriculum (Department for Education, 2014) and supported by The Model Music Curriculum (Department for Education, 2021). The topics covered develop strong links with local culture and history as well as engaging with traditions. We follow a year group based sequence in order to allow for progression which enables each individual child extend and deepen their musical experience. The different units within the curriculum develop the pupils singing, performing, composing and listening skills. We aim to engage and excite children to develop a love and appreciation for music. The scheme enables them to become fantastic musicians offering opportunities to experience a range of different musical genres, styles and everyday sounds. Through topic based activities we aim to develop vital skills in listening and creative enquiry to help nurture each pupils learning potential. Through singing and playing instruments we encourage maximum participation, allowing for enjoyment and enthusiasm to become embedded in each childs experiences as well as opportunities to explore composition and performance which improves confidence and working collaboratively with others. As well as classroom lessons children are also given an opportunity to have formal lessons in piano, guitar, brass, violin and recorder. Our children are active historians engaged in enquiry based lessons which develop their historical knowledge and conceptual understanding within a cross curricular approach. We provide a curriculum thatTo stimulates the childrens interest and understanding of important historical periods and the lives of people who have lived in the past. Aims Through the themed enquiry based approach wee aim for children to aim of History at St Bonaventures is to: 1. Develop chronological understanding of periods of time. 2. Describe and make links between significant events and the lives of people within and across historical periods. 3. Recognise that the past is represented and interpreted in different ways. 4. Develop critical skills of enquiry, investigation, analysis, evaluation and presentation. Be able to compare and contrast, identify change and continuity, cause and effectconsequence and distinguish bbetween fact and opinion. 5. Use a range of sources of information to gather evidence; e.g. documents, printed sources, Internet research, DVDs, artefacts, pictures, music, workshops, experimental archaeology, buildings and sites. 6. CCommunicate their knowledge and understanding of History in a variety of ways; e.g. different writing genre, art, drama, D.T, dance, music, I.C.T, reconstructions, re-enactments, presentations, etc. 7. DDevelop an awareness of how the past has contributed to the present and might influence the future. ImplementationCurriculum Organisation This is embedded in the classroom activities as well as the singing in assemblies, various concerts and performances. It is delivered by Music teachers in our school as well as class teachers. Phase one lesson plans look at the themes of water and air and include topics such as the SS Great Britain and sea shanties, balloons, kites, and aeroplanes. Phase two explores the theme of rhythm, and in phase three, pitch is introduced with a focus on songs and part singing, together with plans that support teaching an overview of the history of music. In Key Stage 1 pupils will: learn a wide range of songs, chants and rhymes to sing together. Play tuned and untuned instruments musically, developing turn taking and rhythm. Through story and listening to music develop understanding of the musical experiences. Learn 3 notes on recorder and read simple musical notation. In Key Stage 2 pupils will: Learn a wide range of songs singing as one group and in parts. Continue to learn recorder up to the full range of notes to enable; ensemble, solo and duet performances Learn to read music and understand musical notation. Play both tuned and untuned percussion instruments. Play and perform in different contexts to develop their musical experiences. Improvise and compose music for different purposes. Develop an understanding of local musical history and traditions. Listen to and develop an appreciation and understanding of a wide range of music form different genres, styles and In the Foundation Stage, children learn about History through the Knowledge and Understanding of the World area of the Early Learning Goals, incorporating these in to the whole school topics. In KS1 and KS2, children are taught History through a themed cross-curricularCreative Curriculum approach, linking whole school topics across a wide variety of subjects, including History, English, Maths, Geography, I.C.T, Art, D.T, Drama, Music and Dance. Historical skills are taught through carefully planned activities. Themed daysCurriculum weeks are planned to give children a richer experience of the topic, as well as inviting outside workshops to visit in school and going on trips to significant sites. History is celebrated throughout the school with stimulating displays, show casing the achievements of the children.. History learning is also shared as part of the whole school outcome at the end of the overarching topic. There is also a whole school end of topic celebration, which includes class museums, presentations, debates and re-enactments, to which parents are invited. Planning and Differentiation,Resources The Music curriculum and lesson plans are kept on the shared drive for all to access. They are divided by KS and year group. All musical moments resorcesresources are in a separate folder on the shared drive. All teachers have access to SingUpSing Up All teachers have access to Minute of Listening. The Music resources, including a range of tuned and untuned percussion instruments are kept in the music room. Planning, which is kept in the Year Group Topic Folders, includes: on the Shared Drive involves: The curriculum overviewlong term plan, which s: shows the History topics taught in each year group and the term they are covered. Year group teachers outline how each topic fits in with the overarching topic for each term. The medium term plans, which : identifyies the Learning Objectives and skills and outcomes, taken from the National Curriculum to be taught under the overarching topic for that term.. The short term plan:s, which identifyies the content and activities to be taught in each lesson. Differentiation, which will allow all pupils access to the History curriculum, will be addressed: At the planning stage. Through using open-ended questions. By scaffolding a task. By outcome. By the level of support required. By using Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic methods of teaching. By addressing the objectives of Individual Educational Plans for SEN children and following the schools SEN policy.  Assessment and Recording Childrens knowledge and understanding work is assessed by making informal judgements during observations in the musicHistory lessons. Videos and photographs of lesson outcomes can be recorded and kept as evidence of learning.On completion of a piece of work, the teacher marks the work in accordance with the Marking Policy and makes an assessment of progress. This will inform future planning for the class and individuals within the class. A school portfolio of examples of childrens work in each year group will be kept by the Subject Leader to illustrate childrens performance in each unit. Monitoring of MusicHistory The responsibility of the HistoryMusic Co-ordinator includes: Assisting colleagues with planning programmes of study in order to teach the topics. and accessing music lessons and resources Managing the MusicHistory budget. Reviewing and updating resources. Helping with the professional development of members of staff. Offering information and advice. on trips. Having an overview of MusicHistory teaching across the whole school. Monitoring planning.whole school progression and topics taught. Enabling opportunities to showcase musical performances. Monitoring the progression of History skills and topics taught. Looking at displays. Looking at childrens History work in topic books to monitor the teaching of skills and differentiation within the topic. Keeping and updating a portfolio of childrens work. Resources Thhe History resources are kept in Topic Boxes in classrooms. There is an additional central store in the Music Room, where additional information on topics can be found, as well as information on trips and workshops. The school library contains a History section to support the topics covered. Key Stage 1 Knowledge, skills and understanding Chronological understanding Pupils should be taught to: Place events and objects in chronological order; Use common words and phrases relating to the passing of time, for example, before, after, along time ago, past, etc. Knowledge and understanding of events, people and changes in the past Pupils should be taught to: a) Identify changes within living memory, including aspects of change in national life. b) Identify events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally. c) Identify the lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements. Some of these should be used to compare aspects of life in different periods. d) Identify significant historical events, issues, people and places in their own locality and explore distant and contrasting places. Historical interpretation Pupils should be taught to identify different ways in which the past is represented. Historical enquiry Pupils should be taught: a) How to find out about the past from a range of sources of information, for example, the use of the internet and other digital sources, simulations, eye-witness accounts, pictures and photographs, artefacts, historic buildings and visits to museums, galleries and sites. b) To ask and answer questions about the past. Organisation and communication Pupils should be taught to select from their knowledge of history and communicate it in a variety of ways, for example, talking, writing, models, using ICT. Key Stage 2 Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Chronological understanding Pupils should be taught to: Place events, people and changes into the correct periods of time. Use dates and vocabulary relating to the passing of time, including ancient, modern, BC, AD, century and decade. Knowledge and understanding of events, people and changes in the past Pupils should be taught: How significant events, developments or individuals and groups have influenced theiir locality, the UK and beyond, in the recent and distant past (Lower KS2) About the movement and settlement of people in different periods of British history and the impact these have had (Lower KS2). The characteristic features of and changes within, two key periods of history that were significant to the locality and the UK (Upper KS2). The effects of economic, technological and scientific developments on the UK and the wider world over time (Upper KS2). To understand the broad chronology of major events in the UK and some key events in the wider world, from ancient civilisations to the present day and to locate within this the periods, events and changes they have studied (Upper KS2). Historical interpretation Pupils should be taught to explore the different ways we can find out about the past and how to understand the evidence. Historical enquiry Pupils should be taught: How to find out about the events, people and changes studied from an appropriate range of sources of information, including ICT-based source, for example, documents, printed sources, databases, pictures and photographs, music, artefacts, historic buildings and visits to museums, galleries and sites. To ask and answer question and to select and record information relevant to the focus of the enquiry. Organisation and communication Pupils should be taught to: Recall, select and organise historical information. Use dates and historical vocabulary to describe the periods studied. Communicate their knowledge and understanding of history in a variety of ways, for example, drawing, writing, by using ICT. ImpactExpectations, We evaluate the impact of our Music curriculum in the number of ways; Pupil achievement and progress is measured by Teachers informal assessments based on questioning, observations and pupil outcomes. Teachers record progress through video and performances. All children will know a repertoire of songs Pupils take part in regular performances and class assemblies to show learning outcomes. Learning walks Y6 pupils are upskilled to take part in whole class wind band. By the end of Key Stage 1, most children will be able to: Speak and write about familiar and famous people, issues and events from the recent and more distant past, using everyday terms concerned with the passing of time. Distinguish between aspects of their own everyday lives and the lives of people in the pas.t; Identify some ways in which the past is represented. Find out about the past by asking and answering questions using a range of sources of information. By the end of Key Stage 2, most children will be able to: Describe the contribution made by people, events and developments in the recent and more distant history of Britain and other countries and make links across the periods of history studied. Give some reasons for, and results of, main events and changes and provide explanations about why people in the past acted as they did. Find out about the past by asking and answering questions using a range of sources of information. Give some explanations for the different ways the past is represented and interpreted. Record their knowledge and understanding about the past in a variety of ways using dates and historical terms. Features of progression Progress in history can be characterised by: Asking and answering more complex questions. Making links and connections between different areas of learning. Recognising patterns and categorising. Understanding more abstract concepts. Providing more reasoned explanations. Understanding what is more and less important. Appreciating the relevance of learning. Using a greater depth and range of historical knowledge to back up judgements. Becoming independent in learning. History Topic Overview; Year A Year GroupTerm 1Term 2Term 3Term 4Term 5Term 6FoundationHistory taught as part of Knowledge and Understanding of the World.Year 1Local Area - Where am I? Local Area- Where am I?Movers and Shakers - BrunelMovers and Shakers - BrunelLife on Planet EarthLife on Planet EarthYear 2Local Area - Where am I? Changes in school life at St BonsLocal Area- Where am I? Changes in school life at St BonsMovers and Shakers - CabotMovers and Shakers - CabotLife on Planet EarthLife on Planet EarthYear 3Local Area Stone Age to Iron AgeLocal Area Stone Age to Iron AgeMovers and Shakers - EgyptiansMovers and Shakers - EgyptiansLife on Planet EarthLife on Planet EarthYear 4Local Area- Anglo-Saxons and VikingsLocal Area- Anglo-Saxons and VikingsMovers and Shakers RomansMovers and Shakers RomansLife on Planet EarthLife on Planet EarthYear 5Local Area- A childs eye view from the home frontLocal Area- A childs eye view from the home frontMovers and Shakers GreeksMovers and Shakers GreeksLife on Planet EarthLife on Planet EarthYear 6Local Area- Muller and Mary Carpenter focusLocal Area- Muller and Mary Carpenter focusMovers and Shakers MayansMovers and Shakers MayansLife on Planet EarthLife on Planet Earth History Topic Overview; Year B Year GroupTerm 1Term 2Term 3Term 4Term 5Term 6FoundationHistory taught as part of Knowledge and Understanding of the World.Year 1What makes a community? Battle of the Ancients- Comparing homes in ancient past with today Battle of the Ancients- Comparing homes in ancient past with today Earth AlertEarth AlertYear 2What makes a community? Battle of the Ancients- Life before the Invaders and Settlers Battle of the Ancients- Life before the Invaders and Settlers Earth AlertEarth AlertYear 3What makes a community? Stone Age to Iron Age Battle of the Ancients- Egyptians Battle of the Ancients- EgyptiansEarth AlertEarth AlertYear 4What makes a community? Anglo-Saxons and Vikings Battle of the Ancients- RomansBattle of the Ancients- RomansEarth AlertEarth AlertYear 5What makes a community? WW11 in Europe Battle of the Ancients- GreeceBattle of the Ancients- GreeceEarth AlertEarth AlertYear 6What makes a community? Incas Battle of the Ancients- MayaBattle of the Ancients- MayaEarth AlertEarth Alert     PAGE   PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2 | Page ST BONAVENTURES CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL MusicHistory Policy -YZ[`gpqrstuv罣|eQ49Hh;S'hh6Uhd@~5CJ OJQJ^JcHdhwrG&Hh;S'hh6U5CJ OJQJ^J,hU&hh6U5CJ OJQJ^JcHdh;S',h_!hh6U5CJ OJQJ^JcHdh;S'h_!h_!5CJ OJQJ^J2h_!h_!hd@~5CJ OJQJ^JcHdhwrG&HhwrGhd@~5CJ OJQJ^Jh_!5CJ ^Jh_!5CJ OJQJaJ(h_!5CJ OJQJ^Jjh_!5CJ U-<GQYZ[wxyzHkd#$$If0x*  44 la% $G$Ifgd`yi$a$gd_!$a$gd_!vwz    $ , - / 0 M N ҿҿҿҥ҈n҈nj`XjMj%h_!Ujh_!Uh_!OJQJ^Jh_!2Hh:S'h?@{hh6UOJQJ^JK'*8h?@{hcahh6UOJQJ^JcHdh:S'K'*2HhkAgh?@{heOJQJ^JK'*%h?@{h_!OJQJ^JK'*(h?@{h_!5OJQJ^JK'*h_!5OJQJ^Jh_!5CJ(OJQJ^JdHkd#$$If0x*  44 la%Hkd#$$If0x*  44 la% $G$Ifgd`yi   - YHkd$$$If0x*  44 la% $G$IfgdFB $G$Ifgd`yiHkdp$$$If0x*  44 la%- . / 0 1 M vxd$If^xgd~mdgdFKd8gdFK$+d]+a$gdFK $$gd$a$gd_!HkdR%$$If0x*  44 la%  ' * + , 9 : ; < ͮppYO8-Hh+hFK5>*CJOJQJ^JaJHh+hFK-Hh+hFK5>*CJOJQJ^JaJ>Hh+h hFKCJ+*CJOJQJ^JaJ:Hh+h hFK+*CJOJQJ^JaJ=Hh+h hFK5+*CJOJQJ^JaJ*HhK'h?@{5CJOJQJ^JaJh_!OJQJ^Jh_!0JOJQJjh_!U   0kd&$$Ifrdd $ t (#4ap2yt~md$If^gd~md$If^gd~mdd$If^dgd~m      Pd $If^Pgd~mdd $If^dgd~mxd $If^xgd~m `P@@@dd$If^dgd~mxd$If^xgd~mkd`'$$Ifrdd $ t (#4ap2yt~m      PDDD d$Ifgd~mkd6($$Ifrdd $ t (#4ap2yt~mPd$If^Pgd~m     D4xd $If^xgd~mkd )$$IfPrdd $ t (#4ap2yt~m d$Ifgd~mdd$If^dgd~m      @kd)$$If?rdd $ t (#4ap2yt~mPd $If^Pgd~mdd $If^dgd~m     Pd$If^Pgd~mdd$If^dgd~mxd$If^xgd~m ! 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